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New products for the Chemical industry

Check out our latest industry launches and innovations

Process map batch reactors ©Endress+Hauser
Batch reactors
Increase yield in batch reactors

Master batch reactor yield and quality

How do you measure batch reactor productivity? Complex temperature measurement setups in batch reactors can lead to inaccuracies and process variability. Traditional temperature sensors can also be affected by aggressive media, high pressure or turbulent flow. The combined effect of these issues can lead to significant yield loss. Thanks to our offering, we are going to help mastering the yield and quality by real-time inline composition and mass balance, enabling you to:

  • Improve mass balance
  • Increase ready for batch capabilities
  • Ensure high reactor availability

Explore our latest products to increase yield in your batch reactors

Distillation process map ©Endress+Hauser
Reduce OPEX in distillation

Optimizing distillation to master operational challenges

What is your strategy to ensure consistent plant operation during distillation? This complex and continuous process is vulnerable to random failures and systematic faults. Our new products address this challenge by providing immediate access to technical expertise and enhanced diagnostics. The combination allows you to maintain required safety levels for longer, minimizing downtime and maximizing operational efficiency leading to:

  • Increased reliability
  • Enhanced availability
  • Extended maintenance intervals

Explore our latest products for reduced OPEX in distillation

Supply chain flow chart ©Endress+Hauser
Supply chain
Increase efficiency in supply chain

Reduce costs and carbon footprint with cloud-based inventory management

Conventional inventory tracking methods often lack transparency and struggle to keep pace with dynamic demand. Our cloud-based inventory management platform offers a complete solution, from level measurement to inventory visualization, empowering you to:

  • Access data anytime and anywhere
  • Enhance collaborative demand planning
  • Optimize inventory control
  • Reduce logistics costs and your carbon footprint

Explore our latest products to improve efficiency in the supply chain

Find the product that fits your application best

Are you unsure which instrument to select for your specific application and measurement point? Our Applicator tool makes product selection for your industry easy. Try it out!

Service expert support ©Endress+Hauser

Smart Support

Direct access to Endress+Hauser expertise through our online knowledge base and remote support sessions with technical engineers who ensure availability and prompt response times.

  • Maximize process availability and avoid costly downtimes
  • Enhance plant and operator safety with minimized exposure to hazardous conditions
  • Reduce unnecessary travel-related emissions to contribute to your sustainability and net zero targets
Dynamic installed base analysis ©Endress+Hauser

Dynamic Installed Base Analysis

Use expert recommendations with frequent insights to improve the lifecycle management of your measuring instruments and ensure compliance with safety requirements.

  • Increase your process availability through professional advisory guidance
  • Prevent breakdowns with continuous evaluation of the installed base maintainability
  • Improve sustainability of your operations by quickly identifying inefficiencies along with adopting a suitable migration strategy
  • Gain full transparency and increase accessibility of your installed base information
Retrieve data through Netilion and gain insights ©Endress+Hauser

Deeper insights into process and instrumentation performance

Smart sensors collect real-time data from processes and monitor equipment and health, keeping you informed about product and asset performance. Digitizing production processes provides data visualization opportunities for personnel working with the process who typically do not have access to the data, creating data transparency. Endress+Hauser's Netilion can do just that, empowering end users to make the best decisions.


Want to know more about our Chemical offerings?