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Field Instruments & Controls, Inc.

Endress+Hauser Representative since 2010

Field Instruments & Controls, Inc. represents instrumentation manufacturers from all over the world by servicing areas like the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. They provide an easy way to execute business by supplying quality products and understanding how to apply the right device for any application. They ensure their customers are happy and satisfied with every purchase or they provide support to rectify any complication.

Field Instruments & Controls main office in Spokane, WA ©Endress+Hauser

Field Instruments & Controls main office in Spokane, WA

  • Managing Director

    Jamie and Nick Sullivan

  • Year of foundation


  • Number of employees


  • Supported regions

    WA, OR, ID

An added-value partner

  • Field Instruments & Controls make it easy to do business. They supply quality products and understand how to apply the right device for your application.

  • Their specialty is on-line continuous process measurement equipment and they represent the best instrument & valve companies in the world

  • They know the products and always stand behind what they sell

  • Provide superior service solution

    Visit Field Instruments & Controls' website: