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Forward-looking ideas and sustainable commitment

FOCUS Business recommends Endress+Hauser as Innovation Champion 2025

Publication date: 16.09.2024

Endress+Hauser has been recognized as an Innovation Champion 2025 by the German magazine FOCUS Business. The list includes companies operating in Germany that stand out for their forward-looking ideas and strong commitment to sustainable practices.

The selection of the innovation champions is based on a comprehensive analysis carried out by FOCUS Business together with research partner FactField. Five dimensions were assessed: Strategy and innovation culture, products and services, processes, business model and organization. In addition to an online survey, publicly available data such as the number of registered patents and mentions in social media were also included in the survey.

315 companies met the criteria and made it onto the list of Innovation Champions 2025. “We are delighted to have been recognized as an Innovation Champion by FOCUS Business,” says Dr Andreas Mayr, Chief Operation Officer at Endress+Hauser. “This confirms our commitment to innovation and sustainability. We will continue to invest heavily in research and development to help our customers improve their processes and offer them added value.”

The survey included companies with at least five employees and a demonstrable connection to the topic of innovation. Around 22,000 companies with relevant terms on their websites and 3,500 companies with their own research and development departments were contacted.

The complete list of Innovation Champions 2025 is available at

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