Athens/Agave Americana, 2019, photography
Themes of nature, as well as their visual representation, are increasingly finding their way into the newer productions of the musicians with whom Georg Gatsas collaborates. The artist has been seeking a way to focus his camera on natural phenomena for some time. Athens/Agave Americana is one of the first pictures in which he combines three familiar fields: the city, music, and action.
This new starting point allowed him to fully immerse himself in portraying nature, culminating in 2024, with his new series “Alberi”, which consists solely of tree portraits. For the artist, there is something very calming and spiritually heightening about standing in nature, observing it for a while, listening to it, and capturing that moment on film.
About the artist
Georg Gatsas is a Greek-Swiss artist who graduated in 2020 from the Institute Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW in Basel. His medium is mostly photography, and even though he started with an interest in music and subculture, portraying those that built those communities, his focus was lately shifted to nature. He is interested in how we all keep images in our mind.
Now that we are constantly surrounded by images due to social media, what are the images that stay with us? The mind is a little bit like a camera, it keeps a record of our surroundings and the people that inhabit it. His work tries to help the mind to remember not only the surface of things but its texture, the way that the hands see the world, so to say. His pictures are dense and full of character for this reason.